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A Donation from the sale of the Patriotic Pins, will be made to the Kiwanis International Foundations, including its 911 Fund.

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Name: Stars and Stripes Service Bar
Size: 1 3/4" Wide
Product Number: R347
Click for a detailed image

Name: US France Flag
Size: 1 1/4" Tall
Product Number: R379
Click for a detailed image

Name: US Switzerland Flag
Size: 1 1/4" Wide
Product Number: R257
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Name: US Japan Flag
Size: 1 1/4" Tall
Product Number: R829
Quantity Pricing Per Style
Pin Quantity Price per Pin
1 - 9 $7.29
10 - 24 $3.99
25 - 99 $2.59
100 - 499 $2.29
500 - 999 $1.99
1000 - 2499 $1.79
2500+ $1.49
Click for a detailed image

Name: US Greece Flag
Size: 1 1/4" Wide
Product Number: R349
Click for a detailed image

Name: US Israel Flag
Size: 1 1/4" Wide
Product Number: R281
Click for a detailed image

Name: US Philippines Flag
Size: 1 1/4" Tall
Product Number: R1033

It's easy to create your own flag lapel pin. Condor can custom create any design for you
See our Custom Products Catalog and Wholesale Custom Price List

Some large stock orders MAY require up to 21 day delivery.

Email Us
Condor Creations, 10736 Jefferson Blvd. Suite 102, Culver City, CA 90230, U.S.A.
Phone: (210) 865-6449 - Fax: (805) 579-7946

Copyright 1997-2024 All rights reserved

Condor Creations will not knowingly reproduce a design that may involve violation of any trademarked, service marked, and/or copyrighted logos, images, words, slogans, or designs. Should such a design be presented to Condor Creations for reproduction, a letter of authorization of use from the owner of the questionable trademark, service mark, copyright, logo, image, word, or slogan must be presented to Condor Creations before any work begins on such a design. Authenticity of all authorization letters will be verified.

***LATE PAYMENT POLICY: Invoices will become past due after a period of 30 days from the date of the invoice. If said invoice is not paid within the 30 day timeframe, interest will be charged on the total outstanding invoice amount. Interest will be calculated by multiplying the unpaid balance by the periodic rate of 1.5% per month or portion thereof (EIGHTEEN PERCENT [18%] ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE). The unpaid invoice balance will accrue interest until paid in full.